Co-funded by the European Union

Randstad Workmonitor 2024: The voice of talent in 2024

  • Randstad recently published the Workmonitor 2024 report, which provides an in-depth analysis of emerging labour market trends, worker attitudes, and the future of employment based on a comprehensive global survey.
  • The report highlights key issues such as the impact of technology on jobs, the rise of remote work, and the evolving expectations of employees towards work-life balance and job security.

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting workforce dynamics, Randstad's Workmonitor 2024 report offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of the global labour market. Drawing from a wide-ranging survey of employees and employers across various industries, the report sheds light on critical trends shaping the future of work, providing a roadmap for businesses and workers alike to navigate these changes.

One of the report's key findings is the significant impact of digital technologies on employment. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are reshaping job roles and creating new opportunities for innovation and productivity. However, this transition also poses challenges, particularly regarding skill gaps and the need for workforce retraining.

The report emphasises the importance of continuous learning and adaptability for employers and employees to thrive in this new digital economy.

Here you can find a list of the most wished skills training opportunities by workers:

Another pivotal trend identified is the growing demand for flexible work arrangements. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, a trend that persists beyond the immediate crisis. Workers increasingly value remote work's flexibility and work-life balance, pushing companies to reconsider traditional office-centric models. The report suggests that embracing hybrid work models can lead to higher job satisfaction and employee retention, provided companies also address the potential downsides, such as isolation and the blurring of work-life boundaries.

Furthermore, it underscores the changing expectations of the workforce regarding job security and organisational values. In the face of economic uncertainties, employees seek greater job stability and are more inclined toward employers who demonstrate social responsibility and ethical practices. This shift calls for businesses to prioritise transparent communication, employee well-being, and sustainability as integral components of their corporate culture.

As businesses and employees navigate these changes, the insights provided by the report can help stakeholders and employers make informed decisions, fostering a more adaptable, resilient, and human-centric future of work.