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Convention n. 190 on Violence and Harassment of the International Labour Organization entered into force in Mexico

  • On 6 July 2023, the ILO Convention n. 190 on Violence and Harassment entered into force in Mexico.


ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) was adopted during the June 2019 session of the International Labour Conference and entered into force on 25 June 2021. The Convention applies to all workers, irrespective of their contractual status, cross-cutting to all sectors, whether private or public, both in the formal and informal economy, urban or rural areas.

Convention 190 identifies violence and harassment at work as a threat to human rights incompatible with a decent job. It provides appropriate and effective remedies and redress, including the need to implement the convention through national legislation, collective agreements, or other measures by national practice.

The ratification of Convention 190 by Mexico adds to the measures previously introduced in 2019 with its labour reform through the Official Mexican Standard on Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work and the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence. 

To comply with the new obligations, companies must establish or update their policies and protocols to create a positive working environment, develop tools and guidelines, training, and awareness-raising, and take appropriate disciplinary action against perpetrators of violence and harassment.

The government also has an essential role in creating enforcement mechanisms and monitoring, access to remedies and support for victims, sanctions for offenders, and effective investigation systems.

At an international level, 32 countries worldwide have already ratified the Convention. The Convention will enter into force in several countries between the end of 2023 (Bahamas and Panama) and August 2024 (Ireland, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Chile, Lesotho, and Uganda), confirming its crucial importance for a healthy and respectful working environment.