Co-funded by the European Union

UK: comparison between GPT-4 and Human Respondents for Occupational Evaluation (an ILO paper)

  • ILO recently published a new report that offers valuable insights into how advanced artificial intelligence (AI), exemplified by GPT-4, compares with human judgment in evaluating occupational roles within the UK labour market.
  • It explores the perceptions and attitudes of workers towards integrating AI technologies like GPT-4 into their professional environments and forecasts potential shifts in the labour market influenced by the adoption of AI technologies.

The report emphasises the role of AI in shaping occupational evaluations and perceptions within the labour market. It raises important questions about the evolving relationship between humans and technology in the workplace.

The study documents workers' attitudes towards AI, revealing a spectrum of responses ranging from enthusiasm for AI's potential to enhance job efficiency and creativity to concerns over job displacement and the depersonalization of work. These insights are critical for employers, policymakers, and labour unions as they navigate the challenges and opportunities AI integration presents in the labour market.

The report suggests that AI technologies like GPT-4 could lead to significant shifts in employment patterns, job design, and worker skills requirements, stressing the need for proactive measures to ensure the workforce is prepared for these changes. 

These measures include upskilling and reskilling programs, regulatory frameworks to manage AI's impact, and promoting an inclusive digital economy that benefits all sectors of society.

The report confirms the importance of balancing technological advancement with the needs and well-being of workers, advocating for a collabourative approach to harnessing AI's benefits while mitigating its challenges.