Co-funded by the European Union
tripartite institution
Newsletter December, 2021

ILO launches a self-assessment method for social dialogue institutions (SAM-SDI)

December, 2021
  • ILO recently launched a new Self-Assessment Method for Social Dialogue Institutions (SAM-SDI) in response to requests from member States for support to strengthen their national Social Dialogue Institutions (SDIs).
  • The tool guides ILO constituents and their partners through a detailed self-assessment of their institution and devise an action plan to enhance its inclusiveness and effectiveness.
Newsletter May, 2021

The Chadian National Social Dialogue Committee and the role of employers for economic reactivation

May, 2021

• Interview to Mr Ali Abbas Seitchi

Newsletter May, 2020

South Africa: Social dialogue institution presents solutions to the recovery

May, 2020
  • South African social partners gathered with the government and civil society to present proposals during the crisis.
  • A temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme was developed.
  • South African social dialogue institution National Economic Development Council (NEDLAC) was called to provide proposals and solutions on the means to mitigate unemployment and assist employees suspended from work.  


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